
What Animal Has As Many Neurons In Brain As Humans Per Weight

Brief comparisons of number of whole brain neurons (summit) and cerebral cortex neurons (bottom) amongst vi mammals.

The following are two lists of animals ordered by the size of their nervous organisation. The start list shows number of neurons in their unabridged nervous system, indicating their overall neural complexity. The 2d list shows the number of neurons in the structure that has been establish to be representative of animal intelligence.[one] The human brain contains 86 billion neurons, with 16 billion neurons in the cerebral cortex.[2] [1]

Overview [edit]

Neurons are the cells that transmit information in an animal's nervous system then that it can sense stimuli from its environment and behave accordingly. Not all animals have neurons; Trichoplax and sponges lack nerve cells altogether.

Neurons may be packed to form structures such as the brain of vertebrates or the neural ganglions of insects.

The number of neurons and their relative abundance in different parts of the brain is a determinant of neural office and, consequently, of beliefs.

Whole nervous organization [edit]

All numbers for neurons (except Caenorhabditis and Ciona), and all numbers for synapses (except Ciona) are estimations.

Name Neurons in the brain & whole nervous system Synapses Details Image Source
Sponge 0


Trichoplax 0 Despite no nervous system, it exhibits coordinated feeding and response behaviors.[iv]

Trichoplax mic.jpg

Asplanchna brightwellii (rotifer) nearly 200 Brain only

Rotifera (Genusː Philodina) - 40X view.jpg

Tardigrade most 200 Brain only

SEM image of Milnesium tardigradum in active state - journal.pone.0045682.g001-2.png

Ciona intestinalis larva (sea eject) 231 8,617 (key nervous organization just)




Caenorhabditis elegans (roundworm) 302 ~7,500 is the but organism to take its whole connectome (neuronal "wiring diagram") completed.[10] [11] [12]

Adult Caenorhabditis elegans.jpg

Jellyfish v,600 Hydra vulgaris (H. attenuate)

Jelly cc11.jpg

Megaphragma mymaripenne 7,400

Megaphragma mymaripenne-SEM (cropped-B).tif

Box jellyfish 8,70017,500 adult Tripedalia cystophora (eight mm bore) – does not include 1000 neurons in each of the four rhopalia


Medicinal leech 10,000

Svømmende blodigle.JPG

Pond snail xi,000

Sea slug 18,000

Aplysia californica.jpg

Amphioxus 20,000 central nervous system only

Branchiostoma lanceolatum.jpg



Larval zebrafish 100,000

Zebrafish embryos.png

Lobster 100,000


Fruit fly 100,000 < x,000,000 [ citation needed ]

Drosophila melanogaster - side (aka).jpg

Wandering spider 100,000

Cupiennius salei, Juvenile.jpg

Calliopsis (bee) 234,000

Calliopsis edwardsii, right, Broward co, Florida 2017-08-03-11.25 (36396361693).jpg

Pismire 250,000 Varies per species

Ant head closeup.jpg

Perdita (genus) 275,000 [26]
Melissodes 495,000 [26]
Bombus impatiens 557,000

Bombus impatiens male.jpg

Western honey bee 613,000

Western honey bee grazing.jpg

Honey bee 960,000 ~i×10 ^ 9

Bees Collecting Pollen 2004-08-14.jpg

Cockroach 1,000,000


Coconut crab >1,000,000 c. 1,000,000 interneurons are dedicated to analysing olfactory input lonely. [30]
California carpenter bee 1,180,000

Female California carpenter bee 1.jpg

Steudner's dwarf gecko 1,771,000

Tropiocolotes steudneri 1.jpeg

Brown anole two,792,000

Cuban brown anole (Anolis sagrei sagrei) juvenile.JPG

Mochlus sundevallii iii,049,000

Sundevall's Writhing Skink (Mochlus sundevallii subsp. sundevallii).jpg

Peloponnese slowworm three,713,000

Benny Trapp Anguis cephallonicus.jpg

Mutual business firm gecko iii,988,000

Common House Gecko with open mouth, in Laos.jpg

Takydromus sexlineatus 4,021,000

Takydromus sexlineatus W009a.jpg

Anolis cristatellus iv,270,000

Anolis cristatellus in Picard, Dominica-2012 02 15 0349.jpg

Papua snake cadger four,271,000 [31]
Guppy 4,300,000


Natal Midlands dwarf chameleon 4,305,000


Acontias percivali 4,340,000

Acontias percivali.jpeg

Sand lizard 4,341,000

Lacerta agilis female 2013 G2.jpg

Ocelot gecko 4,420,000

Paroeudura Picta.jpg

Darevskia raddei iv,765,000

Darevskia raddei.jpeg

Anolis evermanni iv,920,000 [32]
Echis carinatus 4,951,000

Saw-scaled Viper Echis carinatus by Dr. Raju Kasambe DSCN8792 (1).jpg

Cerastes cerastes 4,996,000

Hornviper Cerastes cerastes.jpg

Tenerife gecko v,001,000

Tarentola delalandii.jpg

Draco sumatranus v,174,000

Draco sumatranus.jpg

Blue-throated keeled lizard 5,269,000

Blue-throated keeled lizard (Dalmatian algyroides). Algyroides nigropunctatus (44191025654).jpg

Crested gecko 5,417,000

Baby crested gecko.jpg

Lacerta strigata five,529,000

Пара полосатых ящериц.jpg

San Francisco garter snake 5,663,000

Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia (2005 10 16) - uitsnede.jpg

Scarlet-eyed crocodile skink 5,697,000

Red-Eyed Crocodile Skink.jpg

Emoia cyanura v,733,000

Emoia cyanura.jpg

East African spiny-tailed lizard five,756,000

East African spiny-tailed lizard (Cordylus tropidosternum).jpg

Chalcides ocellatus five,774,000

Chalcides ocellatus MNHN.jpg

Cylindrophis ruffus 5,779,000

Cyl ruffus 061212 2021 tdp.jpg

True cat gecko 5,964,000

Aeluroscalabotes felinus.jpg

Aspidoscelis deppii 5,968,000

Aspidoscelis deppii.jpeg

Brown water ophidian 5,995,000

Brown Water Snake.jpg

Aspidelaps lubricus 6,020,000

Cape Coral Snake, Aspidelaps lubricus, RsDSC 0417.jpg

Scincus scincus 6,284,000

Scincus scincus on glass particles.png

Montivipera xanthina 6,677,000

Benny Trapp Montivipera xanthina.jpg

Hispaniolan curlytail lizard seven,063,000

Leiocephalus schreibersii Prague Zoo.jpg

Sceloporus malachiticus 7,149,000

Green Spiny Lizard (Sceloporus malachiticus) - Flickr - gailhampshire.jpg

Crotalus durissus 7,263,000

Crotalus durissus terrificus (mounted).JPG

Agama agama 7,455,000

Common Agama (Agama agama) male (7609816076).jpg

Agama aculeata vii,631,000

Ground Agama (Agama aculeata).jpg

Gekko kuhli 7,659,000

Kuhl's Flying Gecko (Ptychozoon kuhli) (8744025989).jpg

Leopard gecko 8,081,000

Eublepharis macularius 2009 G6.jpg

Latastia longicaudata 8,099,000

Latastia longicaudata (Wroclaw zoo)-1.JPG

Razor-backed musk turtle 8,389,000

Sternotherus carinatus by LA Dawson.jpg

Greek tortoise 8,520,000

Testudo graeca at Dibbeen2.JPG

Phelsuma grandis 8,623,000

Madagascar giant day gecko (Phelsuma grandis) Nosy Komba.jpg

Acanthocercus atricollis 8,650,000

Southern Tree Agama (Acanthocercus atricollis) (6002525679).jpg

Tokay gecko eight,892,000

Tokay gecko (Gekko gecko) adult male and juvenile.jpg

Russian tortoise nine,008,000

Testudo horsefieldii.jpg

Marginated tortoise 9,074,000

Testudo marginata.JPG

Psammophis elegans 9,170,000 [31]
Xenopeltis unicolor 9,293,000

Sunbeam Snake (Xenopeltis unicolor) (7121228691).jpg

Zonosaurus Karsteni ix,538,000

Zonosaurus karsteni.jpg

Oplurus quadrimaculatus 9,565,000

Duméril's Madagascar swift (Oplurus quadrimaculatus) Isalo.jpg

Malagasy giant chameleon 9,751,000

Oustalet's chameleon (Furcifer oustaleti) female.jpg

Ahaetulla prasina nine,767,000

Ahaetulla prasina, oriental whipsnake - Kaeng Krachan National Park (15895767306).jpg

Dasia olivacea ix,785,000

Dasia olivacea.jpg

Adult zebrafish ~10,000,000 cells (neurons + other)


Timon tangitanus 10,619,000

Lacertidae - Timon tangitanus.JPG

Corn snake 10,629,000


Acanthosaura capra 10,724,000

Acanthosaura capra, Zoo Prague.jpg

Gallotia galloti 10,903,000

Gallotia galloti LC0211.jpg

Eutropis multifasciata 10,944,000

Common sun skink (Eutropis multifasciata).jpg

Rainbow boa 11,083,000

Rainbow boa (Epicrates cenchria) coiled around a branch.jpg

East African black mud turtle 11,285,000

Pelusios subniger.jpg

Indochinese spitting cobra eleven,306,000


Cyrtodactylus irianjayaensis 11,415,000 [31]
Uromastyx ornata eleven,438,000

Uromastyx ornata.JPG

Yellow-throated plated cadger 11,847,000

Yellow-throated Plated Lizard (Gerrhosaurus flavigularis) (14033889705), crop.jpg

Meller's chameleon 12,035,000


Twist-necked turtle 12,171,000

Twist-neck Turtle (Platemys platycephala) (10358928446).jpg

Western whiptail 12,269,000

Aspidoscelis tigris-1.jpg

Gehyra vorax 12,388,000

Gehyra vorax.jpg

White-lipped mud turtle 12,671,000 [31]
Painted wood turtle 12,677,000

Rhinoclemmys Pulcherrima Bebé 1.jpg

Sheltopusik 12,830,000

Pseudopus apodus01.jpg

Standing'south day gecko thirteen,223,000


Common snapping turtle 13,681,000

Common snapping turtle - Chelydra serpentina.jpg

Painted turtle 14,302,000

Eastern Painted Turtle (Chrysemys picta picta) (49866261538) (cropped).jpg

Ocellated cadger 14,593,000

Timon lepidus.jpg

Oplurus cuvieri 14,627,000

Oplurus Cuvieri Kirindy Madagascar.jpg

African spurred tortoise 14,986,000

African Spurred Tortoise in Toronto.jpg

Boa imperator 15,194,000

Boa constrictor imperator.jpg

Red-eared slider 15,388,000

Trachemys scripta elegans partially submerged.jpg

Plumed basilisk fifteen,536,000

Corytophanidae Basiliscus plumifrons 4.jpg

Ruby-bellied short-necked turtle 15,787,000

Emydura subglobosa lateral.jpg

Frog xvi,000,000

Magnificent tree frog (Litoria splendida) crop.jpg

Corallus hortulana sixteen,303,000


Blueish-tongued skink xvi,376,000

Tiliqua scincoides (White, 1790).jpg

Gran Canaria behemothic lizard xviii,038,000


Chinese h2o dragon eighteen,301,000

Chinese Water Dragon (Physignathus cocincinus) - Khao Yai National Park - 1.jpg

Chlamydosaurus 18,641,000

Chlamydosaurus kingii 01.jpg

Northern ophidian-necked turtle 19,040,000

Chelodina oblonga gnangarra.JPG

Spiny-tailed monitor nineteen,771,000

Varanus acanthurus25.JPG

Boa constrictor xix,781,000

Boa constrictor, Vaňkovka, Brno (2).jpg

Ameiva ameiva xix,835,000

Giant ameiva (Ameiva atrigularis).jpg

Chinese softshell turtle xx,697,000

Pelodiscus sinensis 02.jpg

Amboina box turtle 21,440,000

Zolw sundajski - Cuora amboinensis - Zoo Warszawa.JPG

Alligator snapping turtle 22,230,000

Alligator snapping turtle.jpg

Yellow anaconda 23,035,000

Yellow Anaconda (Eunectes notaeus) (48292380166).jpg

Mexican beaded lizard 23,681,000

Heloderma exasperatum exposé au Palais de la Découverte en août 2019.jpg

Major skink 24,155,000

Major Skink (Egernia frerei) (9951680974).jpg

Sudan plated lizard 24,434,000

Gerrhosaurus major.jpg

Mata mata 26,105,000 [31]
Naked mole-rat 26,880,000

Naked Mole rat baby.jpg

Weber's sailfin cadger 27,245,000

Hydrosaurus weberi - Ménagerie du jardin des plantes - Paris.JPG

Green iguana 29,098,000

Iguana iguana Portoviejo 04.jpg

Argentine black and white tegu 29,251,000

Tupinambis merianae 2.jpg

Cyclura nubila thirty,820,000

Cyclura nubila,.jpg

Gold tegu 31,335,000

Tupinambis teguixin - Flickr - Dick Culbert.jpg

Varanus macraei 33,091,000

Blauer Baumwaran (Varanus macraei).JPG

Fiddling gratuitous-tailed bat 35,000,000

Chaerephon pumilus.jpeg

Smoky shrew 36,000,000


Sand goanna 50,253,000

Varanus gouldii.jpg

Brusk-tailed shrew 52,000,000

Blarina carolinensisPCSL20933B.jpg

Squealer-nosed turtle 53,027,000

Carettochelys insculpta 02.JPG

Common bent-wing bat 56,000,000 [38]
African sheath-tailed bat 59,000,000 [38]
Hottentot golden mole 65,000,000

Die Säugthiere in Abbildungen nach der Natur, mit Beschreibungen (Plate 39) (8557402518).jpg

Woermann'due south bat 66,000,000 [38]
Zenker's fruit bat 66,000,000 [38]
Commerson's roundleaf bat 67,000,000

Commerson's Roundleaf Bat (Hipposideros commersoni) (10291616316).jpg

Rufous trident bat lxx,000,000 [38]
House mouse 71,000,000 ~1×x ^ 12

Mouse white background.jpg

Asian water monitor 78,231,000

Varanus salvator - 01.jpg

Male monarch quail eighty,478,000

Excalfactoria chinensis (aka).jpg

Nile crocodile 80,500,000

Nile Crocodile (17038929167).jpg

Heart-nosed bat 81,000,000

Cardioderma cor - Museo Civico di Storia Naturale Giacomo Doria - Genoa, Italy - DSC02562.JPG

Diamond pigeon 87,879,000

Geopelia cuneata - Wüstenhaus 3.jpg

Golden hamster 90,000,000

Golden hamster front 1.jpg

Short-palated fruit bat 99,000,000 [38]
Ansell's mole-rat 103,000,000

Graumull IMG 4042.jpg

Mashona mole-rat 113,000,000 [43]
Common quail 117,760,000

Caille des blés - Coturnix coturnix.JPG

Hairy-tailed mole 124,000,000

The quadrupeds of North America (Plate LXXIV) (7748318398).jpg

Eastern rock elephant shrew 129,000,000

Eastern Rock Elephant Shrew.jpg

Star-nosed mole 131,000,000


Zebra finch 131,000,000 Brain only

Taeniopygia guttata -Karratha, Pilbara, Western Australia, Australia -male-8 (2).jpg

African collared dove 139,271,000

20190730 Streptopelia roseogrisea 01.jpg

Silvery mole-rat 148,000,000

Silvery mole-rat.png

Northern bobwhite 148,399,000

Colinus virginianus - Bird Walk.jpg

Four-toed elephant shrew 157,000,000

Petrodromus tetradactylus tordayi - Royal Museum for Central Africa - DSC06793.JPG

Eurasian blackcap 157,000,000

Sylvia atricapilla -Lullington Heath, East Sussex, England -male-8.jpg

Wahlberg'southward epauletted fruit bat 162,000,000

Epomophorus wahlbergi1.jpg

Goldcrest 164,000,000

Goldcrest (10649615636).jpg

Cape mole-rat 170,000,000

Georychus capensis - Museo Civico di Storia Naturale Giacomo Doria - Genoa, Italy - DSC02826.JPG

Grey partridge 170,287,000

Perdix perdix (Marek Szczepanek).jpg

Egyptian fruit bat 172,000,000

Rousettus aegyptiacus.jpg

Mechow'due south mole-rat 174,000,000

Cryptomys mechowi Plzen zoo 02.2011.jpg

Damaraland mole-rat 178,000,000

Damaraland mole-rat.jpg

Franquet'southward epauletted fruit bat 186,000,000 [38]
Chocolate-brown rat 200,000,000 ~4.48×10 ^ 11

Rattus norvegicus.jpg

Guyenne spiny rat 202,000,000 [40]
Eastern mole 204,000,000


Elegant crested tinamou 217,768,000

Tinamou, Elegant-crested2.jpg

Cerise junglefowl 221,000,000

Red Junglefowl - Thailand.jpg

Neat tit 226,000,000

Great tit side-on.jpg

Green-rumped parrotlet 227,000,000

Forpus passerinus -Venezuela-8.jpg

Quebracho crested tinamou 235,671,000

Eudromia formosa (cropped).jpg

Guinea squealer 240,000,000

Guinea pig.jpg

Chilean tinamou 241,374,000

Chilean Tinamou.jpg

Gray mouse lemur 254,710,000

Gray Mouse Lemur 1.JPG

Common wood pigeon 258,681,000

Columba palumbus Glasgow 02.jpg

Common treeshrew 261,000,000

Stavenn Tupaia glis 00.jpg

Hammer-headed bat 275,000,000

Hypsignathus monstrosus.png

Wood duck 305,816,000

Brautente Wood Duck Aix sponsa.jpg

Dove 310,000,000 Encephalon only


Budgerigar 322,000,000

Yellow budgerigar.jpg

Pygmy falcon 350,367,000

Polihierax semitorquatus -Buffalo Springs National Park, Kenya-8.jpg

Greatcoat dune mole-rat 361,000,000

Bathyergus suillus - Museo Civico di Storia Naturale Giacomo Doria - Genoa, Italy - DSC02831.JPG

Mallard 367,000,000

Anas platyrhynchos male female.jpg

Eurasian teal 375,409,000

Eurasian teal (Anas crecca).jpg

Common blackbird 379,000,000

Common Blackbird.jpg

Marbled duck 386,920,000

Marmaronetta angustirostris qtl1.jpg

Reeves's pheasant 387,173,000

Syrmaticus reevesii.jpg

Eurasian sparrowhawk 401,751,000

Accipiter nisus, яструб малий.jpg

Ferret 404,000,000

Black footed ferret whole.jpg

Cockatiel 453,000,000

Cockatiel Sleeping.jpg

Gray squirrel 453,660,000

Grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) 02.jpg

Banded mongoose 454,000,000

Banded Mongoose.jpg

Prairie canis familiaris 473,940,000

Black-Tailed Prairie Dog.jpg

Cherry-red-breasted goose 482,705,000

Red-Breasted Goose (Branta ruficollis) (3).JPG

Common starling 483,000,000

Common Starling in Wormwood Scrubs Park in spring 2013.JPG

Wild turkey 492,873,000

Male wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) strutting.jpg

European rabbit 494,200,000

Oryctolagus cuniculus Tasmania 2.jpg

Octopus 500,000,000


Western tree hyrax 505,000,000


Eurasian pygmy owl 533,263,000

Eurasian pygmy owl (Glaucidium passerinum).jpg

Indian peafowl 570,934,000

Indian peafowl,Pavo cristatus.jpg

Victoria crowned dove 578,697,000

Goura victoria LC0384.jpg

Little owl 585,923,000

Athene noctua - Little owl 02.jpg

Common kestrel 624,582,000

Common kestrel falco tinnunculus.jpg

Common marmoset 636,000,000

Marmoset copy.jpg

Eastern rosella 642,000,000

Eastern Rosella at Hobart Domain upright.jpg

Yellow-knobbed curassow 652,989,000

Yellow-knobbed Curassow RWD3.jpg

Barn owl 690,000,000

Barn Owl (9652234894).jpg

Monk parakeet 697,000,000

Monk Parakeet (4303100054).jpg

Greylag goose 738,232,000

Greylag Goose - St James's Park, London - Nov 2006.jpg

Azure-winged magpie 741,000,000

Azure-winged Magpie RWD2.jpg

Rock hyrax 756,000,000

Rock Hyrax (Procavia capensis) (7042223567).jpg

Cat 760,000,000 ~1×10 ^ xiii

Cat mouth closed.jpg

Blackness-rumped agouti 857,000,000

Dasyprocta punctata (Mexico).jpg

Magpie 897,000,000


Common hill myna 906,000,000

Common Hill Myna - Gracula religiosa - Ninoy Aquino Parks & Wildlife Center 02.jpg

Northern greater galago 936,000,000 [47]
Western jackdaw 968,000,000

Jackdaw arp 750pix.jpg

Long-eared owl 991,310,000

Asio Otus Otus - Waldohreule - northern Germany, wild.jpg

Mute swan 1.001 ×109

Cygnus olor flirt edit.jpg

Common buzzard i.001 × 109

Buteo buteo - Common Buzzard 03.jpg

Black vulture 1.009 ×x9

Coragyps atratus brasiliensis Black vulture Belém 01.jpg

Greater rhea i.03× xnine

Greater Rhea.jpg

Eurasian jay 1.085×ten ^ 9

Eurasian Jay on balcony.jpg

Alexandrine parakeet 1.096×x ^ 9

Alexandrine Parakeet at Lochmara Lodge.jpg

Raccoon dog one.xvi×x ^ 9

Chapultepec Zoo - Raccoon dog (03).jpg

Tanimbar corella 1.161×ten ^ 9

A Goffin's Cockatoo on a perch.jpg

Saker falcon 1.204 ×109

Saker Falcon RWD4.jpg

Emu 1.335×x ^ nine

Emu chick 1.jpg

3-striped night monkey 1.468×x ^ 9 [47]
Rook 1.509×10 ^ 9

Rook Corvus frugilegus.jpg

Gray parrot 1.566×10 ^ ix

Congo African Grey Parrot -head detail.jpg

Tawny owl 1.58×10ix

Waldkauz Strix aluco (Linnaeus, 1785).jpg

Capybara 1.6×10 ^ 9


Common ostrich 1.62× 10nine

Masai Mara National Reserve 17 - common ostrich (Struthio camelus).jpg

White-tailed eagle 1.65 ×x9

White tailed eagle raftsund square crop.jpg

Jackal 1.73×10 ^ 9


Snowy owl ane.807×ten9

Snowy Owl (240866707).jpeg

Eurasian hawkeye-owl ane.897×10nine

Bubo bubo.jpg

Fox 2.11×10 ^ ix


Sulphur-crested cockatoo 2.122×x ^ nine

Cacatua galerita portrait.jpg

Raccoon 2.148×10 ^ nine

Racoon (3813039203).jpg

Kea ii.149×ten ^ 9

Kea on car.jpg

Raven 2.171×x ^ 9 Brain simply

Raven (Corvus corax) (8).jpg

Domestic pig 2.22×10 ^ ix

Sow and five piglets.jpg

Dog two.253×10 ^ ix

Domestic Dog.jpg

Chihuahua (dog) 2.51×ten ^ 9


Dog (Chow Grub) 2.61×10 ^ 9

Chow Chow im Harz.JPG

Dog (Yorkshire Terrier) 2.64×10 ^ 9

Yorkshire terrier dog 02.jpg

Springbok two.72×10 ^ ix


Canis familiaris (Westward Highland White Terrier) ii.83×ten ^ 9

West Highland White Terrier.JPG

Blesbok 3.06×10 ^ 9

Blesbok - Damaliscus pygargus albifrons.jpg

Blue-and-yellow macaw 3.136×10 ^ ix Brain only

Ara ararauna Luc Viatour.jpg

Common squirrel monkey 3.246×x ^ ix


Crab-eating macaque iii.44×ten ^ ix

Crab eating macaque face.jpg

Dog (High german Shepherd) 3.53×10 ^ 9


Tufted capuchin 3.691×10 ^ ix

Sapajus apella apella (French Guyana) 4.jpg

Bonnet macaque 3.78×10 ^ nine

Bonnet Macaque Kodaikanal.jpg

Striped hyena 3.885×x ^ 9

Striped Hyena 5.jpg

Dog (Komondor) 3.99×x ^ ix [51]
Dog (Transylvanian Hound) 4.39×10 ^ 9

Siculus Alma Tisza.JPG

Panthera leo iv.667×10 ^ 9

Lion waiting in Namibia.jpg

Greater kudu 4.91×10 ^ nine

Male greater kudu.jpg

Rhesus macaque 6.376×10 ^ 9

Macaca mulatta in Guiyang.jpg

Chocolate-brown bear ix.586×10 ^ 9

Kamchatka Brown Bear near Dvuhyurtochnoe on 2015-07-23.jpg

Giraffe 1.075×10 ^ 10


Xanthous baboon ane.095×10 ^ 10

Yellow Baboon - Mikumi National Park.jpg

Chimpanzee ii.eight×10 ^ x

Lightmatter chimp.jpg

Orangutan 3.26×10 ^ 10

Orang Utan, Semenggok Forest Reserve, Sarawak, Borneo, Malaysia.JPG

Gorilla iii.34×ten ^ x

Male gorilla in SF zoo.jpg

Human viii.half-dozen×10 ^ x ~1.5×x ^ 14 Neurons for average adult

Akha cropped hires.JPG

[55] [56] [57]
African elephant 2.57×10 ^ 11

African Bush Elephant.jpg

[58] [59]

List of animal species past forebrain (cerebrum or pallium) neuron number [edit]

The question of what concrete characteristic of an animate being makes an fauna intelligent has varied over the centuries. Ane early speculation was brain size (or weight, which provides the same ordering.) A second proposal was brain-to-body-mass ratio, and a tertiary was encephalization caliber, sometimes referred to as EQ. The electric current all-time predictor is number of neurons in the forebrain, based on Herculano-Houzel'southward improved neuron counts.[i] It accounts most accurately for variations in dependence on the cerebellum. The elephant depends on its exceptionally large cerebellum, while birds make do with a much smaller one.

Differing methods have been used to count neurons and these may differ in degree of reliability. These are the optical fractionator, an awarding of stereology and the isotropic fractionator, a contempo methodological innovation. Most numbers in the list are the result of studies using the newer isotropic fractionator.[i] [37] [26] [41] [42] [44] [45] [46] [47] [52] [53] [54] [55] [56] [58] [sixty] A variation of the optical fractionator was responsible for the previous total human brain neuron count of 100,000,000,000 neurons, which has been revised downwards to 86,000,000,000 by the utilise of the isotropic fractionator. This is in office why it may be considered to be less reliable. Finally, some numbers are the result of estimations based on correlations observed between number of cortical neurons and encephalon mass inside closely related taxa.

The following table gives information on the number of neurons estimated to exist in the sensory-associative structure (such as the pallium).

Common proper name Boilerplate number of sensory-associative structure neurons[a] Intraspecific variation[b] Method[c] Sensory-associative structure Binomial classification Epitome Source
Mutual fruit wing 2,500* Optical fractionator Corpora pedunculata Drosophila melanogaster

Drosophila melanogaster Proboscis.jpg

House cricket 50,000* Optical fractionator Corpora pedunculata Acheta domesticus

Acheta domesticus, adultes Weibchen.jpg

Love bee 170,000* Optical fractionator Corpora pedunculata Genus: Apis

The Lone Pollinator.jpg

Common cockroach 200,000* Optical fractionator Corpora pedunculata Genus: Periplaneta


African sheath-tailed bat 5,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Coleura afra [38]
Rufous trident bat half-dozen,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Triaenops persicus [38]
Naked mole-rat vi,000,000 ± 1,065,587[40] Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Heterocephalus glaber

Naked Mole rat baby.jpg

Petty free-tailed bat 6,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Chaerephon pumilus

Chaerephon pumilus.jpeg

Common aptitude-fly bat half dozen,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Miniopterus schreibersii [38]
Commerson's roundleaf bat eight,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Hipposideros commersoni

Commerson's Roundleaf Bat (Hipposideros commersoni) (10291616316).jpg

Heart-nosed bat ten,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Cardioderma cor

Cardioderma cor - Museo Civico di Storia Naturale Giacomo Doria - Genoa, Italy - DSC02562.JPG

Ansell's mole-rat 10,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Fukomys anselli

Graumull IMG 4042.jpg

Smoky shrew ten,000,000 ± 352,000[40] Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Sorex fumeus


Brusk-palated fruit bat 10,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Casinycteris argynnis [38]
Mashona mole-rat 12,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Fukomys darlingi [43]
Woermann's bat 12,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Megaloglossus woermanni [38]
Northern short-tailed shrew 12,000,000 ± i,569,000[40] Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Blarina brevicauda

Blarina brevicauda.jpg

Zenker's fruit bat 13,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Scotonycteris zenkeri [38]
House mouse fourteen,000,000 ± 2,242,257[twoscore] Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Mus musculus

Мышь 3.jpg

Hairy-tailed mole 16,000,000 ± two,611,000[forty] Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Parascalops breweri

The quadrupeds of North America (Plate LXXIV) (7748318398).jpg

Star-nosed mole 17,000,000 ± 3,105,000[forty] Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Condylura cristata


Aureate hamster 17,000,000 ± 3,619,934[40] Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Mesocricetus auratus

Peach the pet hamster.jpg

Diamond dove 18,209,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Geopelia cuneata

Geopelia cuneata - Wüstenhaus 3.jpg

King quail twenty,523,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Synoicus chinensis

Excalfactoria chinensis (aka).jpg

Damaraland mole-rat 21,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Fukomys damarensis

Damaraland mole-rat.jpg

Hottentot golden mole 22,000,000 ± 2,154,000[40] Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Amblysomus hottentotus

Die Säugthiere in Abbildungen nach der Natur, mit Beschreibungen (Plate 39) (8557402518).jpg

Gray mouse lemur 22,310,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Microcebus murinus

Gray Mouse Lemur 1 edit.JPG

Common quail 22,568,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Coturnix coturnix

Kerro- Coturnix coturnix.jpg

Mechow'due south mole-rat 23,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Fukomys mechowii

Cryptomys mechowi Plzen zoo 02.2011.jpg

Franquet'due south epauletted fruit bat 23,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Epomops franqueti [38]
Hammer-headed bat 24,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Hypsignathus mostrosus [38]
Hedgehog 24,000,000^ Estimated Pallium (cortex) Subfamily Erinaceinae, various species


Silverish mole-rat 25,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Heliophobius argenteocinereus

Silvery mole-rat.png

Wahlberg's epauletted fruit bat 26,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Epomophorus wahlbergi

Epomophorus wahlbergi1.jpg

Cape mole-rat 26,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Georychus capensis

Georychus capensis - Museo Civico di Storia Naturale Giacomo Doria - Genoa, Italy - DSC02826.JPG

Guyenne spiny rat 26,000,000 ± 2,155,723[40] Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Proechimys cayennensis [twoscore]
Eastern rock elephant shrew 26,000,000 ± 4,020,000[twoscore] Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Elephantulus myurus

Eastern Rock Elephant Shrew.jpg

Eastern mole 27,000,000 ± 5,113,000[40] Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Scalopus aquaticus


Opossum 27,000,000^ Estimated Pallium (cortex) Didelphis virginiana

Opossum 2.jpg

Egyptian fruit bat 29,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Rousettus aegyptiacus

Rousettus aegyptiacus.jpg

Brown Rat 31,000,000 + three,034,654[40] Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Rattus norvegicus

Rat diabetic.jpg

4-toed elephant shrew 34,000,000 ± 5,840,000[forty] Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Petrodromus tetradactylus

Petrodromus tetradactylus tordayi - Royal Museum for Central Africa - DSC06793.JPG

Gray partridge 36,882,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Perdix perdix

Perdix perdix (Marek Szczepanek).jpg

Ferret 38,950,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Mustela putorius furo

Black footed ferret cropped.jpg

Northern bobwhite 39,112,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Colinus virginianus

Colinus virginianus - Bird Walk.jpg

African collared dove 39,997,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Streptopelia roseogrisea

Streptopelia roseogrisea, Waza NP, Cameroon.jpg

Cape dune mole-rat 43,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Bathyergus suillus

Georychus capensis - Museo Civico di Storia Naturale Giacomo Doria - Genoa, Italy - DSC02826.JPG

Guinea pig 43,510,000 ± 3,169,924[twoscore] Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Cavia porcellus

Cavia porcellus.jpg

Quebracho crested tinamou 48,292,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Eudromia formosa

Eudromia formosa (cropped).jpg

Mutual wood pigeon 51,325,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Columba palumbus

20200525 Gołąb grzywacz w Krakowie 1614 1886.jpg

Elegant crested tinamou 51,384,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Eudromia elegans

Tinamou, Elegant-crested2.jpg

Eurasian blackcap 52,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Sylvia atricapilla

Sylvia atricapilla -Lullington Heath, East Sussex, England -male-8.jpg

Prairie domestic dog 53,770,000 ± 6,044,322[40] Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Genus:Cynomys

Prairie Dog Washington Zoo.JPG

Zebra finch 55,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Taeniopygia guttata

Taeniopygia guttata - profile - dundee wildlife park.jpg

Chilean tinamou 59,130,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Nothoprocta perdicaria

Chilean Tinamou.jpg

Common treeshrew lx,000,000 ± 26,510,000[xl] Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Tupaia glis

Stavenn Tupaia glis 00.jpg

Red junglefowl 61,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Gallus gallus

Gallus gallus.jpg

Goldcrest 64,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Regulus regulus

Goldcrest 1.jpg

European rabbit 71,450,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Oryctolagus cuniculus

Oryctolagus cuniculus Tasmania 2.jpg

Rock pigeon 72,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Columba livia

Rock Pigeon Columba livia.jpg

Eastern grayness squirrel 77,330,000 ± two,634,444[40] Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Sciurius carolinensis

Eastern Grey Squirrel in St James's Park, London - Nov 2006 edit.jpg

Reeves's pheasant 80,688,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Syrmaticus reevesii

20200318Syrmaticus reevesii.jpg

Great tit 83,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Parus major

Great tit side-on.jpg

Eurasian sparrowhawk 87,832,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Accipiter nisus

Accipiter nisus, яструб малий.jpg

Western tree hyrax 99,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Dendrohyrax dorsalis


Green-rumped parrotlet 103,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Forpus passerinus

Forpus passerinus-Venezuela-8a.jpg

Wild turkey 105,654,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Meleagris gallopavo

Male wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) strutting.jpg

Mallard 112,255,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Anas platyrhynchos

Anas platyrhynchos male female.jpg

Black-rumped agouti 113,000,000 ± 2,576,768[40] Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Dasyprocta prymnolopha

Dasyprocta punctata (Mexico).jpg

Banded mongoose 115,770,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Mungos mungo

Mungos mungo qtl1.jpg

Victoria crowned pigeon 118,445,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Goura victoria

Goura victoria LC0384.jpg

Yellow-knobbed curassow 124,624,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Crax daubentoni

Crax daubentoni - zoo de Vincennes.JPG

Indian peafowl 129,621,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Pavo cristatus

Indian peafowl,Pavo cristatus, dance.jpg

Marbled duck 130,142,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Marmaronetta angustirostris

Marmaronetta angustirostris qtl1.jpg

Pygmy falcon 131,898,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Polihierax semitorquatus


Common blackbird 136,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Turdus merula

Common Blackbird.jpg

Woods duck 138,206,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Aix sponsa

Aix sponsa -Ouwehands Dierenpark-8a.jpg

Crimson-breasted goose 148,617,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Branta ruficollis

Red-Breasted Goose (Branta ruficollis) (3).JPG

Budgerigar 149,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Melopsittacus undulatus


Eurasian teal 167,287,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Anas crecca

Anas crecca crecca × carolinensis.jpg

Rock hyrax 198,000,000 ± 29,082,000[xl] Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Procavia capensis

Rock Hyrax (Procavia capensis) (7042223567).jpg

Northern greater galago 226,000,000 ± 87,570,000[40] Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Otolemur garnettii

Garnett's Galago (Greater Bushbaby).jpg

Common starling 226,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Sturnus vulgaris

Sturnus vulgaris -California-8.jpg

Common kestrel 237,903,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Falco tinnunculus

Common kestrel falco tinnunculus.jpg

Raccoon dog 240,180,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Nyctereutes procyonoides

Nyctereutes procyonoides 2 (Piotr Kuczynski).jpg

Common marmoset 245,000,000 ± 81,180,000[40] Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Callithrix jacchus

Marmoset copy.jpg

House cat 249,830,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Felis catus

Cat mouth closed.jpg

Brown deport 250,970,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Ursus arctos

Brown bear (Ursus arctos arctos) running.jpg

Cockatiel 258,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Nymphicus hollandicus

Nymphicus hollandicus -perching on wires -Australia-6a.jpg

Greylag goose 258,650,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Anser anser

Greylag Goose - St James's Park, London - Nov 2006.jpg

Capybara 306,500,000 ± 62,726,120[40] Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris

Capybaras in riga zoo.jpg

Tarsius 310,000,000 Estimated Pallium (cortex) Genus: Tarsius, unknown species

Tarsius tarsier Tandurusa zoo.JPG

Mute swan 323,661,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Cygnus olor

Cygnus olor flirt edit.jpg

Greater rhea 330,342,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Rhea americana

Greater Rhea.jpg

Eastern rosella 333,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Platycercus eximius

Platycercus eximius diemenensis.jpg

Common buzzard 351,700,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Buteo buteo

CommonBuzzard DSCN4422.jpg

Red fox 355,010,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Vulpes vulpes

Vulpes vulpes laying in snow.jpg

Goeldi's marmoset 357,130,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Callimico goeldii

MP-Callimico goeldii.jpg

Eurasian pygmy owl 364,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Glaucidium passerinum

Eurasian pygmy owl (Glaucidium passerinum).jpg

Western greyness kangaroo 370,170,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Macropus fuliginosus

Western Grey Kangaroo SMC 2006.JPG

Golden jackal 393,620,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Canis aureus

Canis aureus Kaeng Krachan national park.jpg

Monk parakeet 396,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Myiopsitta monachus

Myiopsitta monachus monachus 3.JPG

Springbok 396,900,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Antidorcas marsupialis


Black vulture 398,899,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Coragyps atratus


Azure-winged magpie 400,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Cyanopica cyanus

Cyanopica cyanus Yokohama 6.jpg

Fiddling owl 400,822,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Athene noctua

Athene noctua - the little owl.jpg

Common colina myna 410,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Gracula religiosa

Gracula religiosa robusta-01.JPG

Domesticated pig 425,000,000* Optical fractionator Pallium (cortex) Sus scrofa domesticus

Sow with piglet.jpg

Barn owl 437,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Tyto alba

Tyto alba 1 Luc Viatour.jpg

Emu 439,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Dromaius novaehollandiae

Dromaius novaehollandiae - 02.jpg

W Highland White Terrier 440,160,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Canis lupus familiaris

West Highland White Terrier Yoshi.jpg

3-striped night monkey 442,000,000 ± 111,310,000[xl] Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Aotus trivirgatus

Stavenn Aotus trivirgatus 00.jpg

Saker falcon 442,946,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Falco cherrug

Falco cherrug 1 (Bohuš Číčel).jpg

Eurasian magpie 443,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Pica pica

Pica pica - 01.jpg

Raccoon 453,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Procyon lotor

Raccoon (4152678243).jpg

Grub Chow 471,500,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Canis lupus familiaris

Chow Chow im Harz.JPG

Common ostrich 479,410,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Struthio camelus

Avestruz de cuello azul (Struthio camelus australis), cabo de Buena Esparanza, Sudáfrica, 2018-07-23, DD 87.jpg

Western jackdaw 492,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Coloeus monedula

CROP. Corvus monedula, naakka, Naantalin hautausmaa, Naantali, 8.11.2011..jpg

Striped hyena 495,280,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Hyaena hyaena

Streifenhyaene Hyaena hyaena Zoo Augsburg-09.jpg

Chihuahua 513,330,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Canis lupus familiaris


Eurasian jay 529,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Garrulus glandarius

Garrulus glandarius 1 Luc Viatour.jpg

White-tailed eagle 542,926,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Haliaeetus albicilla

White tailed eagle raftsund square crop.jpg

Panthera leo 545,240,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Panthera leo

Lions Family Portrait Masai Mara.jpg

Blesbok 570,670,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Damaliscus pygargus phillipsi

Blesbok at NC zoo.jpg

Yorkshire Terrier 572,140,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Canis lupus familiaris

Yorkshire terrier dog 03.jpg

Alexandrine parakeet 575,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Psittacula eupatria

Alexandrine Parakeet (Psittacula eupatria), Jurong Bird Park, Singapore - 20090613.jpg

Tanimbar corella 599,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Cacatua goffiniana

Cacatua goffiniana -captive-8a-3c.jpg

Golden retriever 627,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Canis lupus familiaris

Golden Retriever Carlos (10581910556).jpg

Gracile capuchin monkey 650,000,000^ Estimated Pallium (cortex) Genus: Cebus

Capuchin Costa Rica.jpg

Long-eared owl 673,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Asio otus

Asio Otus Otus - Waldohreule - northern Germany, wild.jpg

Transylvanian Hound 725,760,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Canis lupus familiaris

Transylvanian Hound.jpg

Greater kudu 762,570,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Tragelaphus strepsiceros

Male greater kudu.jpg

Crab-eating macaque 800,960,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Macaca fascicularis

Macaca-fascicularis flk18447014.jpg

Rook 820,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Corvus frugilegus

Corvus Frugilegus Berlin-2.jpg

Beagle 844,410,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Canis lupus familiaris

Bronco the Beagle.JPG

Grey parrot 850,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Psittacus erithacus

Psittacus erithacus qtl1.jpg

Komondor 883,380,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Canis lupus familiaris

Komondor IMG 0329.JPG

High german Shepherd 885,460,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Canis lupus familiaris


Sulphur-crested cockatoo 1,135,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Cacatua galerita

Cacatua galerita portrait.jpg

Tufted capuchin 1,140,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Sapajus apella

Sapajus apella apella (French Guyana) 4.jpg

[twoscore] [1]
Tawny owl 1,153,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Strix aluco

Waldkauz-Strix aluco.jpg

Harp seal 1,168,000,000^

half dozen,100,000,000*


Optical fractionator

Pallium (cortex) Pagophilus groenlandicus

Harp seal.jpg

[67] [68]
Horse 1,200,000,000* Optical fractionator Pallium (cortex) Equus ferus caballus

Nokota Horses cropped.jpg

Raven one,204,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Corvus corax

Corvus corax jouveniles.jpeg

Snowy owl 1,270,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Bubo scandiacus

Snowy Owl (240866707).jpeg

Kea 1,281,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Nestor notabilis


Eurasian hawkeye-owl 1,328,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Bubo bubo

Eagle Owl IMG 9203.JPG

Common squirrel monkey 1,340,000,000 ± xx,000,000[twoscore] Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Saimiri sciureus

Saimiri sciureus-1 Luc Viatour.jpg

Bonnet macaque 1,660,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Macaca radiata

Bonnet Macaque Macaca radiata Threat display by Dr. Raju Kasambe DSCN5340 (5).jpg

Rhesus macaque one,710,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Macaca mulatta

Macaca mulatta in Guiyang.jpg

Giraffe one,731,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Giraffa camelopardalis

Giraffa camelopardalis angolensis.jpg

Blueish and yellow macaw 1,900,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (DVR) Ara ararauna

Schläfrige Gelbbrustaras (sleepy Blue-and-yellow Macaws) Weltvogelpark Walsrode 2010.jpg

Pygmy sperm whale 2,020,000,000* Optical fractionator Pallium (cortex) Kogia breviceps

Pygmy sperm whale.jpg

Leopard seal ii,386,000,000^ Estimated Pallium (cortex) Hydrurga leptonyx

Leopard seal 2.jpg

Guenon 2,500,000,000^ Estimated Pallium (cortex) Genus: Cercopithecus, unknown species

Pigtail Macaque ii,531,000,000^ Estimated Pallium (cortex) Macaca nemestrina


Gelada birdie 2,568,000,000^ Estimated Pallium (cortex) Theropithecus gelada

Gelada (Theropithecus gelada gelada) juvenile male.jpg

Cerise-and-green macaw 2,646,000,000^ Estimated Pallium (DVR) Ara chloropterus

Red-and-green Macaw 02.jpg

Harbor porpoise 2,750,000,000* Optical fractionator Pallium (cortex) Phocoena phocoena

Ecomare - bruinvis Michael in 2015 (bruinvis-michael2015-9313-sw).jpg

[67] [68]
Yellow baboon 2,880,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Papio cynocephalus

Papio cynocephalus.jpg

Hyacinth macaw 2,944,000,000^ Estimated Pallium (DVR) Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus

Hyacinth Macaw (Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus) feeding on palm nuts ... - Flickr - berniedup.jpg

Hamadryas baboon two,990,000,000^ Estimated Pallium (cortex) Papio hamadryas

Hamadryas baboon (Papio hamadryas) female.jpg

Mandrill iii,102,000,000^ Estimated Pallium (cortex) Mandrillus sphinx

Mandrill portrait (2), Berlin Zoo.jpg

Walrus 3,929,000,000^ Estimated Pallium (cortex) Odobenus rosmarus


Southern elephant seal three,994,000,000^ Estimated Pallium (cortex) Mirounga leonina

Southern Elephant Seal poses seductively on the beach (5797919211).jpg

African elephant 5,600,000,000 Isotropic fractionator Pallium (cortex) Loxodonta africana

Curt-beaked mutual dolphin 6,700,000,000* Optical fractionator Pallium (cortex) Delphinus delphis

Short-beaked Common Dolphin (Delphinus delphis) (14825276609).jpg

[67] [70]
Asian elephant 6,775,000,000^ Estimated Pallium (cortex) Elephas maximus

Asian Elephant in Thailand.jpg

Pygmy chimpanzee or bonobo 7,250,000,000^ Estimated Pallium (cortex) Pan paniscus

BonoboFishing02 cropped.jpeg

Chimpanzee vii,400,000,000* Optical fractionator Pallium (cortex) Pan troglodytes

Eastern Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) (7068198095) (cropped).jpg

Orangutan 7,704,000,000^ - 8,900,000,000^ Estimated Pallium (cortex) Genus: Pongo

Orang Utan, Semenggok Forest Reserve, Sarawak, Borneo, Malaysia.JPG

[67] [54]
Western gorilla 9,100,000,000^ Estimated Pallium (cortex) Gorilla gorilla

[67] [54]
Cuvier'south beaked whale nine,100,000,000* Optical fractionator Pallium (cortex) Ziphius cavirostris

Beached Cuvier's Beaked Whale (28740971527).jpg

Beluga whale 10,000,000,000^ Estimated Pallium (cortex) Delphinapterus leucas

Baby Beluga Whale.jpg

Bottlenose dolphin 12,700,000,000* Optical fractionator Pallium (cortex) Tursiops truncatus

Tursiops truncatus 01.jpg

[67] [lxx]
Mutual minke whale 12,800,000,000* Optical fractionator Pallium (cortex) Balaenoptera acutorostrata

Minke Whale (NOAA).jpg

Fin whale fifteen,000,000,000* Optical fractionator Pallium (cortex) Balaenoptera physalus

[67] [73]
Blueish whale fifteen,000,000,000^ Estimated Pallium (cortex) Balaenoptera musculus

Anim1754 - Flickr - NOAA Photo Library.jpg

Man sixteen,340,000,000


± 2,170,000,000[twoscore] Isotropic fractionator

Optical fractionator

Pallium (cortex) Human being sapiens

Akha cropped hires.JPG

[40] [55] [1] [74] [75]
Risso's dolphin 18,750,000,000^ Estimated Pallium (cortex) Grampus griseus

Risso's dolphin.jpg

Brusk-finned pilot whale 35,000,000,000^ Estimated Pallium (cortex) Globicephala macrorhynchus

Short-finned Pilot Whale (Globicephala macrorhynchus) (8604841637).jpg

Long-finned pilot whale 37,200,000,000* Optical fractionator Pallium (cortex) Globicephala melas

Pilot whale spyhop.jpg

Killer whale 43,100,000,000* Optical fractionator Pallium (cortex) Orcinus orca

[67] [70]

See also [edit]

  • Lists of animals
  • Theory of mind in animals
  • Brain size
  • Brain-to-body mass ratio
  • Encephalization quotient
  • Connectome
  • Connectomics
  • Cranial chapters
  • Noogenesis

Notes [edit]

  1. ^ ^ = Estimated
    * = Optical fractionator
  2. ^ ± standard difference
  3. ^ For the estimated values, the numbers of cortical neurons estimated from brain mass for different mammalian and bird orders are based on correlation observed between number of cortical neuron and brain mass per order[40]

References [edit]

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